Computer Games

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ACM2022_07 -

HELP-ACTIVe: Application of gamified digital solution to promote active and healthy aging in adults with Intellectual Disability (...)

frAAgile - AAL Programme

The project frAAgiLe is funded by the AAL program of the European Commission. A consortium from Spain, Switzerland, Romania Hungary, Cyprus and Greece has been created. The platform intends to analyze (...)

frAAgile - AAL Programme

The project frAAgiLe is funded by the AAL program of the European Commission. A consortium from Spain, Switzerland, Romania Hungary, Cyprus and Greece has been created. The platform intends to analyze (...)

frAAgiLe - AAL Programme

The project frAAgiLe is funded by the AAL program of the European Commission. A consortium from Spain, Switzerland, Romania Hungary, Cyprus and Greece has been created. The platform intends to analyze (...)

frAAgiLe - AAL Programme

The project frAAgiLe is funded by the AAL program of the European Commission. A consortium from Spain, Switzerland, Romania Hungary, Cyprus and Greece has been created. The platform intends to analyze (...)


El proyecto FIRCA (First aid Care) tiene como objetivo principal desarrollar un Serious Game de medicina preventiva y primeros auxilios a través del sistema operativo Android, utilizando Smartphones y (...)


El proyecto consiste en especificar, diseñar y desarrollar un nuevo sistema basado en la implementación de middleware-librerías para el desarrollo de serious game adaptados y orientados al entorno oci (...)

Biofeedback -

One of these technologies is Biofeedback: the ability to control certain physical or biological functions by receiving information about them. This methodology was initially introduced in the field of (...)

Proinso -

El proyecto consiste en investigar, desarrollar e implantar un sistema basado en plataformas tecnológicas e interfaces amigables para colectivos de las personas con discapacidad intelectual, promovien (...)

eBIA - Bizkai Ikuskizunen Aniztasuna

OBJETIVOS: El objetivo principal de este proyecto es desarrollar apoyos tecnológicos que mejoren, aumenten y promuevan la salud, el deporte y el ocio en general, de las personas con diversidad funcion (...)

eTangram -

eTangram Project has been specially designed for producing a transient increase in psychomotor activity for the elderly. It is based on the Traditional Chinese game Tangram using augmented reality. It (...)

Jolastea -

Los Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA) constituyen una de las patologías mentales más graves de la infancia por la dificultad y complejidad que conlleva su detección, diagnóstico y tratamiento a pe (...)

Psicoestimula -

The project Psicoestimula consists in the design, development and evaluation of Serious Games application for the cognitive rehabilitation and entertainment of elderly people. The fact that the games (...)

ABC- Play -


Kineage -

The current increase in the ageing of our population and the lack of knowledge the elderly have of new technologies implies that they are immersed in the digital divide. This means that older people a (...)