Title: DislexRM - Principal Investigator: Ph. D. Begoña García Zapirain Start Date: 2008 Duration: 3 Participants: Osatek, Deusotech LIFE Convocatory: Gobierno Vasco |
From an evolutionary perspective, reading and writing are very recent inventions, in contrast tolanguage. Reading is a complex process that involves various phonological, orthographic,syntactic and semantic processes that make it possible to interpret the meaning of writteninformation.Developmental dyslexia is a disorder which has usually been defined as an unexpected readingdifficulty which affects children and adults with no other intellectual deficiency or lack ofmotivation and who have sufficient access to education. Some researchers have advocated anindependent etiology apart from the phonological deficit: a visual attention span deficit that maycoexist with the phonological deficit in some dyslexic children.With the aim of evaluating the causal role of ocular motility disorders in dyslexia, the Projectpresents a study of the brain activation and the underlying brain connectivity focused on theVisual Word Form Area and the left Arcuate Fasciculus in three groups of Spanish children:Typically Developing (TDR), Dyslexics (DXR) and Monocular Vision readers (MVR).57 children were evaluated using psychological, intelligence and ophthalmological tests.Subsequently, fMRI during the reading of words and pseudowords and tractography wereperformed.So this study uses DTI and fMRI to evaluate language related anatomical pathways andfunctional activations. In particular, children with dyslexia and children with impaired binocularvision due to ocular motility disorders have taken part in the testing, and then compared to acontrol group of normal readers, grouped according to sex and age.The results show that Spanish dyslexic children may have a brain circuit for reading differentfrom both children with monocular vision and controls.