Title: eJolas - Principal Investigator: Ph.D. Begoña García Zapirain Start Date: 2012 Duration: 2 Participants: -, Deustotech LIFE Convocatory: Bizkailab |
The project eJolas consists on the design and implementation of an application within the field of the serious games for Health. A game aimed at instilling healthy eating and hygiene habits to children/adolescents with DI.For the accomplishment of this project, multi-touch platforms (IPad, mainly) were used, given the good reception by people with DI towards the use of new technologies.The application is based on a set of games with different functionalities and aims, which include a piece of advices for the eating and hygiene process. Furthermore, a pet has been designed with the aim of making the application more attractive in the interest of motivation.The results obtained after the tests carried out with real users were positive and encouraging. The users felt comfortable when using the application and some improvements were applied based on the feedback provided by professional instructors and by the children themselves (user centered design).Online presentationCollaborating companies