Title: eRemedu - Principal Investigator: Ph.D. Begoña García Zapirain Start Date: 2010 Duration: 3 Participants: Kernet, Hospital de Basurto, Fekoor, DeustoTech Convocatory: Innotek |
The e-Remedu project presents the development of a technology platform consisting on a hardware and a software, used to enhance and implement new rehabilitation activities for patients with spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord patients have different needs throughout their life with respect to the disease. This project covers the rehabilitation part., which, in the early stages of the disease has to be faced in the hospital and the other part must be personal.This software communicates with some sensors, which feed the system with information about the amount of time the patient is in the same position, when he or she must be changed... in order to avoid sored and injuries, which are very common in these patients. The software part will allow remote communication with the patient and the evaluation of the rehabilitation excercises performed by the patient at home by a specialist.The main objectives of this project are:To improve de communication between the doctor and the patients using the ICTs.To reduce the number of trips to the hospital of the spinal cord patients to monitoring the disease with the specialists.To design and implement a videoconference system using Internet.To design and develop a database with rehabilitaion exercises.To record and save the exercises made by each user, to be reviewed by the specialist subsequently.To design and develop a prototype sensor that detects the position and the time the patient is in the same position, warning the patient to prevent and/or reduce sores.Figure 1. System architecture