Title: INTELOST - Principal Investigator: Ph.D. Begoña García Zapirain Start Date: 2020 Duration: 3 Participants: LEARTIKER, University of Deusto, Biocruces Convocatory: ELKARTEK Gobierno Vasco |
INTELOST is a collaborative basic research project applied to the health field. An ostomy is an externalisation of the intestine in the wall of the abdomen (stoma) carried out with the aim of being able to evacuate the faeces due to a medical problem that prevents them from being eliminated through the anus. The objective of INTELOST is to carry out research to help improve the treatment and quality of life of ostomy patients through the incorporation of advanced technology by means of a new intelligent 3D device that will make it possible to prevent and predict in real time problems associated with failures in these devices that will have a direct impact on the health and quality of life of these patients.